Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Right, so what is going on then.
1) Bought a couple of new books.....
.........obviously my Peter Pan that we have to read in half term. Also got the one Tija said was really easy to understand.....sort of need easy sometimes !! The third one bought for my own reading (sad, I know) 'cause it sounded interesting, my next read once I am done with Master Pan.
On the subject of little Pete, I do know this story...........but when you read it with a different head on (imagine now Wurzel Gummage!!!) you can feel different things in the book. Has led me into lots of different places.......totally engrossed!!!!!! I do see why people might think that it is a bit of a mean story, definately NOT Disney, but I think when you understand the story you sort of forgive that. Not sure if that makes sense....it does in my head !!!!!!
Soooo need to get some academic writing done and my newspaper research.....bit off par today...........allowing people to get to me - another one of those things that needs to be put in the 'can do without' column of my time management........I am working on it!!!!
Have put a post on my moodle page about blogspot blogs.......basically the reason why I choose to use it rather than Moodle. If anyone wants to try one but not sure how to get going, drop me a comment at the end of this post or email me (address on Moodle) and I will do my best to help......give it a go, it is easier than it looks !!!!
Anybody got any more good book links??
Night :o)

Thursday, 23 October 2008


Thanks for stopping by. This is my new blog to keep up to date with my new venture in life.....studying. Maybe a bit late to start persuing my dreams but better late than never!!

Going to post all my 'school' stuff here......life stuff over at the other place.......

Will be putting links and books that I find in the side bar........hopefully someone may find them useful!!!!!!

Just wanted to put a post to say HI, will update on progress so far asap - please pop by again......and leave me a comment so that I know I have friends......I like friends :o)