Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Te Whariki

I found a link to the Te Whariki is the full 100 or so pages - I have had a look at it and found pages 13-16 give you the basic principles. That is my sharing bit done for the day :o)

Let me know if you find it useful / interesting.....I know some are not used to blogs so just a quick the bottom of this post there is a comments tag that you can click on and leave me a comment......go on, let me know that someone is here :o)

Also, you can subscribe to a system that sends you messages when a blog you read posts something new-on the right hand side under followers. Now, granted, you won't get a huge amount from me cause I am pants at updating this - I have a busy life !!!!!! But if you have not already done so, check out Jen's.....she is always updating hers with useful stuff !!!

Whole day in tomorrow to put the finishing touches to my language presentation and report.

Have fun

Monday, 5 January 2009

Happy New Year

Hi all.......but then again looking at the feed here no-one is fault for not posting regularly - will try and do better this year!!

First day back today was good (even if it was a bit sparse of students!!!).

As I promised in class, here are the links I found for the Interim report by Jim Rose.

JIM ROSE INTERIM REPORT this is actually the Primary Curriculum Review website so possibly one to bookmark to keep up with it ? Top right of the page shows the report, brief letter, interim letter etc, all of which I found interesting (or is that just me??!!).
(report also found here too.....should you not like the first link!!!!! TEACHERNET)

also a link to the QCA - Qualifications and Curriculum Authority whose curriculum Department is supporting Jim Rose (or Sir Jim Rose to be correct). Towards the bottom of this link page is the time line for the report.

Hope that helps.....let me know. Have a good week :o)